
First, let me be clear. This is not a religion website. There is no organization and there are no members. This is a theology website for exploring a non-traditional systematic theology.

Let me ask a question.  Have you or someone you know found that traditional religious systems are not compelling or meaningful to you?  Maybe you have a feeling that there is something ultimately meaningful about life, but current systems just don’t seem either reasonable or don’t address your pressing concerns well enough.  If so, this site offers a non-traditional theology. By non-traditional, I mean one that is not tied to any particular religious tradition (i.e. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.)   Now one might ask why there is a need for a theology other than those found in the traditions.  While there are many people satisfied with the traditions, there is also an increasing number who do not find those traditions compelling or reasonable.   This is understandable given the change in the way people think about things, particularly ever since the Enlightenment where reasoning and empirical sensibilities blossomed.  As a result, many of those who are turned off by the traditions abandon religion entirely or venture off into exploring alternatives.  In either case, I feel that religion/spirituality can have a positive effect on people’s lives but that a religion or spiritual framework for today should be reasonable and friendly with all other forms of human endeavor including science and philosophy.

My own journey in this respect began after withdrawing from a Lutheran seminary in the ’70s.  I had embraced the best theology of the time and found that after two years of study, my beliefs no longer fit within those at the grassroots level of Christianity.  My belief in God remained intact, but I needed to find a reasonable way to think about God and God’s relationship to this world. This included how we can know something about God and how God might be active in our lives.

Accordingly, I decided to attempt to develop a theology essentially from scratch and puzzle through how metaphysical systems originated and developed.  For me, it was not enough to take for granted theism, but since I had a religious sense about God I wanted to see if there was a reasonable way to approach an understanding about God.  The ideas on this site reflect that journey, drawing on previous metaphysical systems, science, philosophy, art, psychology, and anything else that could be brought to bear.

For those who are interested, there are a couple of places to start. For those interested in the details concerning theology, per se, there is an essay on developing a systematic theology “from scratch“.  For those who would like to get a sense of the results of that theological method, there is an essay on the fundamental assertions of the theology.